Hearing Aids
Sharon King Hearing Centres is an independent hearing practice with one focus. YOU! Our valued client. Something which is often lost when seeing a large hearing provider.
Being an independent hearing provider, we are able to provide hearing aids from ANY hearing aid manufacturer and we are not tied to any one hearing manufacturer.
This is of HUGE benefit to you. This allows you to always be fitted the best hearing solution, designed especially for you, by you. At Sharon King Hearing Centres our idea is simple: find a hearing solution best suited for you, your lifestyle and your budget and involve you every step of the way. This way, you are always in full control.
If you are hard of hearing, you are not alone. So why hold back on getting help?
- We provide a hearing solution that is tailored to you and your needs.
- If you are an eligible pensioner or veteran, we are accredited to provide FREE hearing services through the Hearing Services Program scheme
Care & Maintenance
Once you have been fitted with your hearing aids it is a good idea to ensure they are serviced regularly. Wax and moisture are the main issues associated with hearing aids and we recommend calling into one of our offices to have the staff clean and check them every 2-3 months.
All of our friendly staff are trained in maintaining your hearing devices and are more than happy to help. This ensures your hearing aids are working properly and you are getting the most out of them.
Hearing Aids & You
So you have decided to get hearing aids. Being fitted with hearing aids is a complete process to which you need to be committed and we hope this will assist you in this very important decision.
Emphasis is mostly placed on the hearing aid by people who have been fitted with hearing aids, however, there are other factors that will influence the success you derive from your new hearing aid.
Remember there is a difference between listening and hearing. Sometimes you need to learn to listen again as you may have become used to not listening as you cannot hear clearly and tend to switch off.
We believe there are five essential factors to think about when you are considering hearing aids. Please consider the following advice when bring fitted with hearing aids and you will be surprised at the results. This is a holistic approach to your hearing health care.
The hearing aid success equation
The level of technology in hearing aids is an important factor in optimising your hearing. It is important to choose a listening device that is adequate for your needs. Some hearing aids are technologically more advanced than others. If you live an active and/or social life style, you will receive a greater result from a higher level of technology.

20% Motivation/Expectation Level
It is essential that you are motivated to assist your hearing and commit to the hearing process so that the hearing aid fitting has a chance to be successful. Motivation plays an important role in your ability to accept and benefit from hearing aid fitting. It is important that you understand your hearing loss and that you are ready to help yourself hear better. Likewise, it is important that you understand the benefits hearing aids provide, whilst realising their limitations. Even people with ‘normal’ hearing have trouble in some situations!
20% Rehabilitation/Retraining Of The Ears & Brain
It is very important to be aware of the fact that it does take time for the ears and the brain to adapt to hearing sounds. For example, speech, the fridge noise and your feet on the carpet, traffic or birds singing. Your ears and brain have been unaccustomed to hearing these sounds at a ‘normal’ level for some period of time and therefore, it takes time for the ears and brain to process and recognise these sounds.
However, this will improve over time with an appropriate Rehabilitation Program. Hearing aids are different to glasses; you don’t just slide them on and SEE clearly. It takes time to adjust to hearing aids, as we are reawakening the hearing nerves in the brain and teaching them how to hear clearly again. The more often we wear our hearing aids, the more clear and natural sounds will become.
20% Support Of Family & Friends
Family and friends can be a great source of support during this process as they may be the ones who are also affected by your hearing loss. They can offer the necessary encouragement to persevere with the hearing aids and gain the hearing benefits you need.
20% Support Of Your Hearing Provider
An important aspect of this whole process is that you feel comfortable with your hearing aid provider and feel confident that you will be supported by them during the process.
Hearing Aid Types

RIE - Receiver In The Ear
Completely comfortable, highly discreet and fittable on the day. The BTE for the 21st century. The RIC is easily the most comfortable and cutting edge of today's hearing device styles.
Comes in a huge array of very small shapes and sizes. Not to mention they are very discreet.
- Comfortable. Most people forget they are wearing it
- Most popular hearing aid style globally
- This style features the most cutting edge features

BTE - Behind The Ear
While RIE's can handle most hearing loss types, the BTE's are still the king of power when it comes to addressing the occasional hearing loss that need maximum power.
Larger sized hearing aid type, but comes with maximum hearing aid functionality.
- Battery life goes for a week in most cases
- Can address virtually any hearing loss type
- Mostly for severe to profound hearing loss types

IIC - Invisible In Canal
Comes with most of the main features you will find in other styles, but lacks a lot of the truly top end features you will find on some of the other styles of hearing aid.
The hearing aid you cannot see, sits deep inside the canal and is very automatic.
- Invisible to the eye. No one can see you are wearing it
- Sound quality on par with larger models
- Much like a contact lense for your ear. Set and forget

CIC - Completely In Canal
CIC's are also in some cases similarly matching their larger counterparts for feature sets and functionality. Examples such as directionality and noise cancelling being two prime examples.
A very discreet and virtually invisible hearing aid style. Can output more power than an IIC.
- Virtually invisible without sacrificing the most features
- Far more variety and options available than IIC style
- A couple of CIC models now feature wireless streaming

ITC - In The Canal
Bluetooth, ear to ear wireless and directionality are found in many ITC models.
Bigger in size than a CIC for larger hearing loss but also increased functionality. This style, due to it's larger size, increases the features, or in most cases today the number of features you can fit into the device.
- Bigger size means more features and longer battery life
- Identical to RIC options for feature parity in most cases
- Directly stream phone calls, TV and more into your ears

ITE - In The Ear
The larger battery provides longer battery life than the smaller styles and offers rechargeable batteries in selected styles.
In The Ear hearing aids are custom made to fit your ear shape, and can be made in half or full shell.
- Custom made just for your ear
- Offers the same options as the larger hearing aid styles on most cases
- Rechargeable options make changing batteries a thing of the past
What do we do
As a locally owned and operated independent hearing clinic, we offer a variety of services across the Tamworth region.
Here’s a glimpse at how we can help:
- Comprehensive Assessments & Diagnostic for Private, Government (OHS) Pensioners & DVA/Veteran Clients
- FREE Screen Tests
- Free-Field Tests
- WorkCover approved
- Pre-employment Tests
- Aviation, Police & Department of Transport Tests
- Industrial Hearing Tests
- Children over 5 years old – Hearing tests, OAE testing, tympanometry
- Prescribing of appropriate Hearing Aids and Devices to suite all budgets and cosmetic needs
- Television Headsets & Assistive Listening Devices (ALD’s) and Hearing Aid compatible Telephones
- Swimmers, Noise, Musicians & Shooters Plugs
- Hearing Aid Maintenance, Ear Moulds and Repairs
- Hearing Device Batteries
- Hearing Device Care Products
- Micro-suctioning, syringing and curetting wax
Government Subsidised Hearing Aids
If you receive a Government pension, you may be eligible for the Government to cover the cost of your hearing aid. Find out if you're eligible and visit Sharon King Hearing Centres today, for your personalised hearing aid assessment.
are you eligible?